BLUE-POINT GDCT16 Gas / Diesel Combustion Leak Tester
BLUE-POINT GDCT16 Gas / Diesel Combustion Leak Tester
The BLUE-POINT GDCT16 is a reliable combustion leak tester that can be used for both gas and diesel engines. It accurately measures the pressure in the combustion chamber within seconds, ensuring maximum performance and fuel efficiency. Quality components make it a durable tool for long-term use.
• Provides an easy and quick way to diagnose engine overheating problems
• Checks for leaks between the combustion chamber and the cooling system
• Test head and gasket for combustion leaks before removing the radiator
• Double chamber in testing unit provides a high level of accuracy
• For use on water cooled gas and diesel engines
• Kit includes complete test chamber, 16 oz. bottle of testing fluid and instructions